On February 16, LWVCC invited members and citizens of Calvert County to participate in a 2020 General Election Survey. We received over 150 responses from the community, for which we are very grateful.
The results have been compiled and are now available here. Please note that absolutely no personal information has been included. The responses are summarized for each question and the percent of the total responses is displayed. For the final two questions included in the survey (Questions 25 and 26), we have provided the responses submitted by participants with no editing whatsoever. We were able to partially summarize Question 25 into broad categories but included the line item detail below that summarization.
We hope you will find the results of value. We intend to share this product with the Calvert County Board of Elections in the coming weeks, again without any personal information.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns by sending an email to [email protected].