How to Vote

How to Vote in Calvert County

There are multiple ways to make sure your voice is heard and your ballot is counted.

Please refer to My Voting Plan for steps you can take to protect your vote.

Chesapeake Beach Local Election will be held on Tuesday, November 3 at Town Hall 8200 Bayside Rd. Chesapeake Beach, MD 20732

In-Person Voting

Monday, October 26 - Monday, November 2, 2020 from 7 am to 8 pm
Early Voting at the Calvert County Board of Elections (BOE)
30 Duke Street, Prince Frederick, MD 20678

Tuesday, November 3, 2020 from 7 am to 8 pm
Election Day - Location of Voting Centers
Calvert voters may vote at ANY of the voting centers.

Calvert County BOE
30 Duke Street
Prince Frederick, MD 20678

Google Maps Location: Calvert BOE

Calvert High School
520 Fox Run Blvd.
Prince Frederick, MD 20678

Google Maps Location: Calvert

Patuxent High School
12485 Southern Connector Blvd.
Lusby, MD 20657

Google Maps Location: Patuxent

Northern High School
2950 Chaneyville Road
Owings, MD 20736

Google Maps Location: Northern

Huntingtown High School
4125 Solomons Island Road
Huntingtown, MD 20639

Google Maps Location: Huntingtown



  • BOE mailed to every active, registered voter a mail-in ballot application between August 24 and 28;
  • If you do not receive an application by September 8, contact the BOE at 410-535-2214;
  • Voters should immediately complete, sign and return the application in the postage-paid envelope that will accompany the application. Deadline for receiving the application by the BOE is October 20, 2020;
  •  Beginning on September 24, the BOE will send mail-in ballots to voters who have completed and returned an application.  The later voters submit their applications, the later they will receive their ballots;
  • Mail-in ballots should be completed and returned in the postage-paid envelope as soon as possible but no later than one week prior to Election Day;
  • The Oath that accompanies the ballot (either on the postage paid envelope included with the mail-in ballot or the separate document included with electronic delivery of the mail-in ballot) MUST be signed or your vote will NOT count.
  • If you request that your ballot be emailed to you, the ballot will be hand copied as it cannot be read by the standard BOE scanners.  Click here for more information.
  • Never give your completed ballot to anyone! Mail or deposit your ballot in a secure drop box or deliver to one of the vote centers.
  • The signature on the ballot does not have to match the voter registration card identically, i.e., you can sign your first and last name and exclude your middle initial or middle name--it will still count as long as the signature matches;
  • Ballots may also be dropped off at the following locations in lieu of using the U.S. Postal Service:
  • You can track the status of your ballot online.
