The League of Women Voters of Calvert County is an organization with members of all genders that promotes political responsibility and active participation in the affairs of government. We observe, monitor, study, discuss, educate, lobby and testify on issues of local, state and national import. We invite you to join LWV. You will find it a satisfying experience to be part of such a unique volunteer, nonpartisan, grassroots and multi-issue organization whose goals and objectives are to EMPOWER VOTERS. DEFEND DEMOCRACY.
You can join or donate to LWVCC online or by mail. Please choose the option below that is right for you:
- Purchase or renew a single (primary) membership ($75.00) or household membership (two people in the same household) ($112.50) online. We would appreciate if you would agree to add the credit card fee to your donation to cover the cost incurred by LWVCC. Simply check that option on the donation page.
- Join or renew as a student (for persons who are enrolled as full or part time with an accredited institution) ($20); or
- Print a form for primary or household membership to mail in with your remittance if you would prefer to do this using a check.